Thursday, July 7, 2016

Scriptural and Reasonable Model For An End Times Revival

    Imagine having two different colored, small wooden cubes: say black and white. Imagine having a board with a large circle, representing the earth. The white cubes would represent the elect, or the Christians to be saved throughout time (as understood by the foreknowledge of God). There would be a finite number of these white (elect) pieces. Now picture two people putting down the cubes on the board. One placing the black cubes and the other placing the white ones. Occasionally, as time progresses both black and white ones are added, to represent their birth into the world. Also, with time some of each are removed from the board, representing the passing of individuals. At times more white ones would be put down than normal, to show the results of say an awakening or revival.  Now because the number of the "elect" white pieces is a set number, we would of course see that the "storehouse" of white pieces would be diminishing, though the black pieces have no such limit to their value: their numbers are totally a function of physical birth. Now with time coming to a close and the diminishing numbers on the board representing the elect, is it more plausible that there would be a dramatic increase in the white pieces, to show forth say a major, end-time revival?: or is it more plausible that the number of black pieces would become more pronounced with time and the number of white pieces decreasing proportionately, if not exponentially? Which would be more consistent with a model showing a major "falling away", abandonment of the truth and a "heaping up" of false teachers: along with "doctrines of demons"?

    Now, in the New Testament we clearly see that there will be perilous times in the last days, and a picture is painted of the type of people that these times are characterized by, 2 Tim. 3:1ff. It seems that the Apostle thought it important to describe the people characterizing the last days. But, what is conspicuously missing in the New Testament is any clear, explicit mention of a major last-day population of "white pieces". You would think that if one were important to mention, that the other would, in the very least, be equally important to bring up. 

    Furthermore, it concerns me that the populace that initiated and continues to propagate the "end-time revival" concept, could be seen as somewhat "flakey" in both doctrine and past "prophecies". I would say that television evangelists and TV ministries are the backbone of this stuff. Tell me, do you think that they have a greater vested interest in one view over the other? Does propagating the notion of world-wide revival make their ministries more important and necessary in the eyes of their monetary contributors? 

    Now in the parable of the unjust judge there is a importunate widow who continues in her prayers about injustices done to her by an unjust system. Luke 18ff. In the midst of this God gives this statement in verse 7, "now, will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them?" What delay do you think He is talking about: the delay of justice or the delay of His coming? Do you believe God is talking about your unanswered, "self-centered" prayers? Verse 8 says: "I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly, However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

                ***** Will He Find Faith On Earth For His Return? *****
    "In the last days, mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation." 2 Peter 3:3,4. These people knew of The Promise of His Coming. I think that it would be more likely that believer's who fell away knew of this promise, than an unbeliever who did not know God's Word.

"But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, IN WHICH RIGHTEOUSNESS DWELLS." 2 Peter 3:13.

    I believe that the early Church believed that they personally would see Christ's return: "Therefore, beloved since YOU look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless." 2 Peter 3:14.

 * If The Early Church Believed In Christ's Immanent Return In Their Lifetime *
    Why is there no mention of them believing for an endtime, worldwide revival? Why is there no mention of their being called to pray and fast for such a move of God. Is it because their prophets were less sanctified and less moved upon by the Holy Spirit than our TV prophets? Why are the last epistles dealing with apostasy and false teachings and not on being ready to disciple mass quantities of people who would soon be inundating their congregations?

    "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done" in part or in full? Do you believe that based upon current revival trends in America that revivals are getting larger and more powerful with time? Do you believe that with each subsequent revival in America that the downward spiritual spiral in America is reversed? Consider this, for example: Christian leaders decided on George Washington as the Presidential prospect after the Great Awakening. Today, the spiritual leadership in America is looking to Donald Trump.

    Do you really believe that there will be an outpouring of God's JUSTICE in America if Mr. Trump gets elected and/or we have a national revival? How long AFTER the Great Awakening did the abolition of slavery take place?

   Are you anxiously awaiting the return of Christ, knowing full well that His kingdom will be the only perfect and righteous reign?

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